Bryan received a bachelor's degree in biology with a certificate in wildlife ecology and management from Northern Arizona University in 2019. His expertise and passion are wildlife surveying, habitat management, and animal husbandry. Bryan has worked as a wildlife technician in a variety of habitats throughout Arizona with many listed and unlisted species in academia, federal service, and private contracting.
Since 2018, he has been continually involved with NAU's Gartersnake Research Project which performs captive animal husbandry, construction biomonitoring, and field research for two federally listed snake species, the Narrow-headed Gartersnake and the Northern Mexican Gartersnake. From 2019 to 2021, he served for three field seasons as a wildlife technician for the Kaibab National Forest South Zone. There, Bryan performed surveys for several raptor species, including the Mexican Spotted Owl, assessed wetlands for the reintroduction of Northern Leopard Frogs and the eradication of American Bullfrogs, assisted with studies on Gunnison's Prairie Dogs, and performed various habitat restoration and improvement work. From 2021 to 2023, As well, he worked as a contractor for the Arizona Game and Fish Department on a crew whose focus was monitoring bats throughout the state, especially post-delisting monitoring for the Lesser Long-nosed Bat. Bryan monitored Bald Eagle nests and assisted with Desert Tortoise and Yellow-Billed Cuckoo surveys, as well as several vegetation-focused projects.