Senior Ecologist

David Osgood, Ph.D.

Dr. Osgood has worked most of his career in higher education and has recently switched to work with the public sector at the County and State level.  He holds an MS and PhD in Environmental Science from University of Virginia.  Dr. Osgood has taught courses in Principles of Ecology, Watershed Hydrology, Wetlands Ecology, Marine and Aquatic Ecology, Introduction to Environmental Science/Studies, Pollution and Remediation, Environmental Issues of Latin American and the Caribbean.  He has mentored dozens of students in undergraduate research on a variety of environmental topics including floodplain & wetland restoration research, timber management studies, deer management studies, general aquatic ecology of lotic and lentic systems, coastal saltmarsh development.
Dr. Osgood’s research has focused on natural marsh development on Mid-Atlantic and SE US barrier islands with an emphasis on subsurface hydrology, nutrient dynamics, and their influence on the developing plant community.  His research also includes study of Phragmites and other invasive plant species and their impact on marshes in the NE and Mid-Atlantic US.  The focus of the invasive species research is from the perspective of hydrology and biogeochemistry, but also impacts on resident marsh fish populations.  More recently, he has conducted research on headwater streams and floodplain wetlands of coastal watersheds with an emphasis on restoration. 
His practical-based research and work activity has afforded him the opportunity to collaborate with numerous non-profit groups, landscape designers and environmental engineers, as well as regulatory agencies at the municipal, state, and federal levels of government. 

Dr. Osgood's Certifications & Trainings:

  • Watershed Specialist (PA Dept of Env Protection)
  • Nutrient Management Specialist (PA State Conservation Commission) 
  • Riparian Buffer Certification (Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional)


Dr. Osgood's  Professional Organizations:

  • Watershed Specialist Program (PA Dep. of Env. Protection)
  • Angelica Creek Watershed Association (Berks Nature)
  • Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
  • Atlantic Estuarine Research Society (former Board member)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science