Native Wildflowers are Critical for Pollinators
May 3, 2017Attracting Monarch Butterflies: Or, Which Milkweed is the Right Choice?
May 10, 2017This week, President & Founder of Great Ecology, Mark S. Laska, PhD, will be facilitating a session at the National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference, in Sacramento, CA. The session will be called: “NRDA Policy, Practice & Opportunities” and will occur on Thursday, May 11th from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. The panelists will be:
- Megan Callahan Grant, Restoration Program Coordination for NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Restoration Center, in Portland, OR
- Julie Mentzer, Director of Environmental Operations, Wildlands PNW, in Portland, OR
- Peter Dykstra, Partner at Plauche & Carr, LLP, in Seattle, WA
Jill McGrady, PhD and Associate Ecologist at Great Ecology will be presenting at the conference on Wednesday, May 10th, during Session 6: Science, Technology & Tools. In her talk, titled “The Use of HEA to Determine Mitigation Needs: A Case Study of Idaho Phosphate Mine Impacts,” Dr. McGrady will present a case study to discuss a novel use of Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) as a tool to quantify injury, determine mitigation requirements, and compare mitigation alternatives.
Great Ecology will also have a booth (#11) at this conference, so if you’re able to attend, please stop by to say hello!