What is Ecological Restoration?
November 5, 2021Great Ecology Welcomes Thea Lemberger, MS!
December 1, 2021West Pond Living Shoreline Opens to the Public!
The West Pond Living Shoreline project is officially complete and the West Pond Loop Trail is now open to the public! Great Ecology was part of the living shoreline design team that included Dirtworks Landscape Architecture and Rippled Water Engineering. The project restored 2,400 linear ft of badly eroded shoreline with 51,000 cubic yards of sand, creating nine new acres of habitat. The living shoreline is protected from wave energy and erosion using a system of biodegradable oyster shell breakwaters (collected through the Billion Oyster Project's Shell Recycling Program), biodegradable coir logs, and recycled trees. In total, 14-acres of habitat were restored with 200,000 native plants!