Storm Water Awareness Workshop
September 22, 2023
Promotions Announcement!
October 3, 2023
Storm Water Awareness Workshop
September 22, 2023
Promotions Announcement!
October 3, 2023

Great Ecology Welcomes Back Dr. Jill McGrady!

We are so excited to officially welcome a familiar face back to Great Ecology! Dr. Jill McGrady rejoins the firm in a new role: Chief Technical Officer. Jill started her journey with Great Ecology in 2014 as an affiliate and quickly worked her way up through the ranks to associate, then senior ecologist, then director of the San Diego office, and finally Vice President of Technical Services. Dr. McGrady led many of Great Ecology’s landmark projects over the past decade and brings a wealth of environmental consulting experience in restoration, habitat management, and Natural Resource Damages.

When asked about this new role, Jill said “I am excited to take on this challenge and apply the knowledge I’ve accumulated working on restoration project with Dr. Mark Laska for the past 10 years. Our growing staff are motivated, smart, and creative, and they’ll benefit from another senior mentor who cut her teeth in the industry on the types of unique projects Great Ecology brings in all across the nation.”

Jill also mentioned she loves “the challenge of working with a new client who has an intractable environmental issue that we systematically dissect, analyze, and make recommendations towards a resolution through creative ecological design and restoration.”

We’re not sure who’s more excited that she’s back: Jill, or the rest of the Great Ecology team! We’re happy you’re home, Jill!