Ellia Simmons
Ellia has over two years of experience in CEQA and NEPA compliance as an Environmental Planner in the San Diego area, working with both the public and private sectors. In addition, she has experience in habitat restoration, stakeholder engagement, and ecological research. Her experience includes work on large scale projects including water and wastewater infrastructure and facilities, affordable housing projects, transportation infrastructure projects, trail restoration and recreation projects and others that required consultations from various disciplines and agencies to small projects including commercial development project’s environmental documents.
Some of the specific projects Ellia was involved with include managing and coordination of the Draft EIR for the Santee Town Center Specific Plan Update, which required consultation with various jurisdictions, including DGS. She was involved in research and coordination efforts for the Pure Water Southern California Project for Metropolitan Water District. She has also worked on various affordable housing projects for private developers and as part of the on-call for DGS and HCD. Ellia has helped draft multiple EAs, Categorical Exemptions, Addenda, Consistency Checklists, IS/MNDs, and MMRPs for various jurisdictions and private entities within the Southern California Region, including the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation.
She is a graduate of California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo and holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Protection, with a Minor in Sustainable Environments. In her previous roles, Ellia has been involved in many fascinating projects, including the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Decommissioning stakeholder involvement project, and the Appropriate Technology Sustainable Sanitation Project in Agbokpa Ghana.
Ellia's Industry Associations:
Association of Environmental Professionals, Member
Ellia's Training:
CEQA Advanced, 2024
CEQA Basics, 2022