Senior Ecologist

Melissa Tu

Melissa Tu is an ecologist with more than 25 years of experience in conservation biology and habitat restoration. She is passionate about her work and wants to share her knowledge with others. She enjoys conducting general bird surveys, nesting bird surveys, collaborating on how to minimize impacts to birds and protecting nesting bird habitats, and teaching others about surveying for birds, avian biodiversity, and conservation.
Melissa’s other areas of biological expertise include surveys for and managing sensitive wildlife populations including mammals, reptile, and amphibian species; plant ecology (plant identification, rare plant surveys, vegetation mapping, invasive species management, and revegetation); and vernal pool, coastal dune, wetland/riparian, and upland habitat surveys and restoration.
Melissa has extensive experience conducting coastal California gnatcatcher surveys and has been permitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (PER0008918-0) since 2011 to perform these surveys. Melissa is also qualified to conduct least Bell’s vireo and arroyo toad surveys.

Melissa's Professional Associations

  • Wildlife Society, Western Section of the Wildlife Society, Southern California Section
  • California Native Plant Society-San Diego Chapter
  • Audubon Society-San Diego Chapter
  • California Riparian Bird (Least Bell’s vireo, Southwestern willow flycatcher, Yellow-billed cuckoo) Working Group
  • San Diego Mitigation and Monitoring Program (SDMMP) for land managers
  • Climate Science Alliance –Binational Working Group
  • San Diego Canyonlands Ecologist


Melissa's Certifications

  • USFWS 10a1a California Gnatcatcher Recovery Permit 2011-present
  • CRAM Wetlands Certification 2013
  • Wetland Delineator Certification 2005
  • HAZWOPER 40-hour Safety Course-2020, and annual 8-hour refresher courses
  • OSHA Construction 10-hour Safety Course (online)-2021


Melissa's Qualifications

  • San Diego County CEQA Biological Resources List
  • Least Bell’s Vireo Qualified Surveyor
  • Arroyo Toad Qualified Surveyor