Compliance Monitor

Zander Caufield

Zander Caufield followed in the footsteps of his grandfather and father when he decided to pursue a career in the environmental field.  As a San Diego native, in high school he conducted a study of the nutrient loading from the Tijuana Estuary into the ocean before and after storm events to assess not only the magnitude of the nutrient loading but also the duration of the loading in the nearby shoreline.  As an earth science major at University of California, Santa Barbara he conducted field research on both local geology and also geology along the Central California coastline and the central Sierra Mountains.  He is currently working toward a goal of becoming a Professional Geologist.  He also conducted extensive research on the historical fate and transport of halogenated hydrocarbons in soil, surface water and groundwater.  Zander is also an avid outdoorsman having a love of hiking, backpacking and the ocean environment.  He is currently pursuing his scuba certification with a goal of getting his certification as a scientific diver.