Florham Park BASF Pollinator & Landscape Enhancements
June 21, 2021Winter Harbor Eco-Community Master Plan & Restoration
October 8, 2020
Central Park Woodlands Restoration
New York, NY
Central Park Conservancy
Feasibility Study
Restoration & Management Planning
Baseline Ecological Health Assessment
Great Ecology was engaged by the Central Park Conservancy to conduct a feasibility study to inform the Conservancy’s restoration and management planning for Central Park’s iconic woodlands habitat. This included a baseline ecological health assessment focused on the Ramble and North Woods watercourses within the Park, which ultimately informed the design of the Conservancy’s subsequent restoration projects for both park areas. Specifically, Great Ecology recommended strategies that enhance both the ecological functionality and scenic character of the woodlands, balancing the impacts of heavy visitor usage and habitat degradation for one of the world’s most iconic urban parks.