West Pond Living Shoreline Ecological Design
October 27, 2020
Grape & Fir Biological Resources Survey
January 27, 2021
Brooklyn Bridge Park Ecological Design
August 26, 2019
water flowing over a dam
Lake San Marcos Biological Assessments & Litigation Support
November 12, 2019

San Marcos Highlands Habitat Mitigation Implementation

San Marcos, CA

Great Ecology is implementing a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) to offset impacts from an 80-acre housing development. Mitigation measures involve the restoration and enhancement of approximately seven acres of disturbed riparian habitat and twelve acres of Diegan coastal sage scrub. Great Ecology is leading all restoration activities including site clearing and preparation, removing non-native vegetation, protecting existing native habitat, and salvaging native onsite vegetation. Additionally, we are overseeing the installation of a temporary irrigation system while transplanting salvaged plants and installing native seeds, shrubs, and trees.
Great Ecology has set the stage for a promising restoration and enhancement effort by creating ideal conditions for native plants. Methods used include grow and kill cycles to target weeds, removal of compromised soil due to eucalyptus trees, soil amendments, clean topsoil mixes, and hydroseeding with a diverse native seed mix.

Early Restoration Sites

Plant Salvage