White-Nose Syndrome: FWS Releases Bat Mortality Estimates
February 2, 2012Snowy Owl Invasion
March 1, 2012Great Ecology and its President, Dr. Mark Laska, have appeared in a number of publications in recent months.
-Dr. Laska was profiled in the February, 2012 edition of the Environmental Business Journal. Dr. Laska offered insights about the environmental consulting industry and Great Ecology’s niche at the intersection of environmental science and ecological design. The article may be downloaded from EBIonline.
-Dr. Laska was also mentioned in a piece about Coporporate Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) in Environmental Leader. The article can be viewed in its entirety on EnvironmentalLeader.com.
-The Brooklyn Bridge Park project that Great Ecology worked on was profiled in Fast Company Design as one of two “stunning examples of urban waterfront renewal.” Great Ecology served as the ecologists for the landmark urban renewal project lead by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates. The article may be viewed on Fast Co. Design.