Loss of Sea Stars Could Collapse Marine Communities
November 22, 2014Great Ecology Makes a Splash on the News
December 5, 2014As another year comes to a close, we take a look at some of our favorite blog posts from 2014. At the end of the series we invite you to vote for your favorite blog to be the winner!
A Rally Cry for Mussels
Erin Hathaway
Mussels and oysters provide valuable ecosystem services including water filtration and wave attenuation from damaging coastal storms.

UAS are being used to prevent poaching of elephants in Africa. Photo courtesy of Dronezine.it
Eco-Tech Revolution
Zak Lehmann
Unmanned Aerial Systems see dramatic increase in use as the FAA struggles to regulate the booming industry. Will they be able to keep up with the accelerated pace of this technology?

The massive Bay Delta Conservation Plan will incorporate a huge portion of California. Map Courtesy of the US EPA.
The Bay Delta Conservation Plan In a Nutshell
Jessie Quinn, Ph.D.
The Bay-Delta Conservation Plan seeks to protect the 75,000 square miles of water supply the Delta provides to 25 million people and over 3 million acres of agricultural land in California, while also maintaining ecosystem health of the associated wetland, riparian, grassland, and forest habitats and the plant and animal species.