Celebration of Innovation and Partnerships in Honor of Earth Day
April 22, 2024
Landscape Architecture as Integrated Ecological Design  
April 23, 2024
Celebration of Innovation and Partnerships in Honor of Earth Day
April 22, 2024
Landscape Architecture as Integrated Ecological Design  
April 23, 2024

Blog & News

April 22, 2024

Biodiversity through Ecological Design  at Great Ecology

Biodiversity plays a vital role in maintaining the health and ecological services of our ecosystems. As ecologists and designers, our goal is to restore and enhance habitats and green spaces so ecological characteristics like biodiversity and resiliency are maximized. This takes many forms throughout our projects, from smaller efforts like native pollinator plant palettes to large-scale restoration plans covering hundreds of acres and multiple habitat types.

Great Ecology’s ongoing Hell’s Kitchen Geothermal project involves the planning and design for a habitat mitigation project that will help to improve the biodiversity of habitat along the shores of the Salton Sea and nearby managed marshes. Our landscape architects and designers have envisioned an innovative mitigation project that features multiple habitat types critical to local plant and animal species, including those listed as threatened and endangered.
Learn more about Hell's Kitchen Geothermal Project