Woodbridge Waterfront Park Restoration
October 28, 2019
aerial photo of the Gulf Coast shoreline
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Restoration Planning
November 4, 2019
Conceptual plan of vernal pool restoration
Vernal Pool Restoration & Mitigation Evaluation
August 21, 2019
Solar Facility Permitting & Visual Impact Study
June 12, 2020

Moosa Creek Habitat Restoration & Mitigation Banking Consulting

Bonsall, CA

Great Ecology was engaged to provide mitigation bank consulting services on the Moosa Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (Site) in both the due diligence and permitting phases. Great Ecology conducted a detailed pre-project evaluation to determine the potential value of the Site as an investment, which included an evaluation of the existing design plan and draft permit documents, a pro forma analysis, and a strategy to entitle the Site as a wetland mitigation bank. Following a round of capital funding, Great Ecology is leveraging its planning expertise with its in-depth local public agency experience to advance the project through the design and permitting process.
aerial photograph showing open fields and houses

Pre-Restoration Conditions