Moosa Creek Habitat Restoration & Mitigation Banking Consulting
October 30, 2019
Missouri River NRD Site Assessment & Restoration Plan
November 4, 2019
Central Park Community Projects Ecological Support
September 10, 2020
Natural Resource Damages Assessment (NRDA) for Multiple Contaminated Industrial Sites
August 12, 2019

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Restoration Planning

Gulf of Mexico

Great Ecology’s Founder and President, Dr. Mark Laska, was named a potential expert witness for legal counsel following natural resource injuries from an incident that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Laska’s team provided ecological services for a range of restoration planning concepts and strategies, with particular focus on prioritization of Gulf Coast restoration projects to offset natural resource injuries; evaluation of cost, feasibility and functional uplift for multiple early restoration projects proposed across the Gulf Coast states; and identification of key success factors for Gulf Coast restoration, derived from Great Ecology’s restoration prioritization evaluation of more than 550 potential Gulf Coast restoration projects. The team also developed a large-scale empirical study intended to support the client’s litigation position regarding the amount and type of compensatory mitigation needed to offset natural resource injuries. The case has settled.