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Litigation Strategy Related to the Release of PFAS

New Mexico

Great Ecology assisted a confidential legal client in developing strategy related to the release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at United States air force bases located in the southwestern United States. PFAS are a group of man-made chemicals used for firefighting training in military installations, among many other uses. PFAS have been released into groundwater and drinking water at the installations, and there is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse health risks in humans and ecological systems. Litigation commenced due to the Air Force’s lack of action to address the contamination, and Great Ecology was engaged to provide certification in support of the motion for preliminary injunction filed in federal court.
Great Ecology’s expert team was engaged to compile and evaluate data collected from the air force bases and adjacent properties, to assess potential environmental impacts from the release of PFAS. Great Ecology assisted with development of ongoing litigation strategy, including investigations to assess potential risk to drinking water from PFAS contamination.