Corktown Common Park Ecological Design
January 28, 2021
Joseph P. Martinez Park Master Plan
March 9, 2021
Hunter’s Point South Constructed Wetlands
August 1, 2019
La Lomita Park Ecological Design
July 22, 2019

Parks, Open Space, & Trails Master Plan

Adams County, CO

Clients: Adams County Parks & Recreation

Project Partner: Design Workshop


Acres Assessed


Miles of Rivers/Creeks

Project Summary:

Great Ecology is supporting Design Workshop in updating Adams County’s Parks, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan. Great Ecology is applying the landscape typology approach to evaluate the existing condition and function of natural resources in select Open Space properties along Clear Creek and the South Platte River. Analysis of the landscape typology data is identifying factors that limit the ecological performance of open spaces in Adams County. This includes understanding the relationship between species diversity, plant cover, wildlife habitat, and landscape uses. Great Ecology is helping identify priority areas and determine adequate restoration efforts, maintenance and management considerations, and future design opportunities to support the establishment of high functioning ecological systems within the community spaces.

Adams County park