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aerial photo of the Gulf Coast shoreline
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Restoration Planning
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Randall’s Island Salt Marsh Baseline Monitoring & Mitigation Design

New York, NY

Great Ecology is providing environmental monitoring, habitat mitigation planning, and design services for the final segment of the Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) power transmission project, intended to provide renewable energy to New York City. The project’s impact area traverses a portion of the Bronx Kill and an adjacent tidal wetland, previously designed and constructed by Great Ecology in the mid-2000s.
Great Ecology’s role in the project to date has included development of a concept-level design that depicts a series of environmental restoration interventions along with potential public access opportunities along the Bronx Kill, and preparation of a site restoration and monitoring plan. In addition, Great Ecology performed baseline ecological monitoring of the marsh in summer 2023. Monitoring parameters included elevation profiles, permanent photo-stations, vegetation community structure, porewater salinity, soil characteristics and the abundance of natant macrofauna (ribbed mussels and fiddler crabs). A wetland functional assessment was also performed using the Evaluation for Planned Wetlands (EPW) methodology. Anticipated future project tasks include advancing the conceptual restoration plan to construction drawings, performing on-site construction monitoring, and performing post-construction ecological monitoring. Great Ecology will also work with NYC Parks to conduct a feasibility-level assessment of potential on-site and off-site mitigation alternatives.

Planning for Restoration

In the Field